NEW CREATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you all are probably thinking "CHRISTMAS? ALREADY?!" No, I haven't lost my mind! Christmas is not as far away as we think it is and I have to get finished WAY ahead of time! These are my latest creations! First is the Santa Cutie Christmas Tutu Dress Set! It includes the deluxe boutique hairbow featuring rhinestones, sparkly snowflakes, velvet, satin & organza ribbons and maribou feather trim....the tutu dress with sewn on maribou trim, tiny white bows all over and a black velvet ribbon belt with sewn on rhinestone buckle and white feather wrist cuffs! I saw JUST the dress with plain red tulle, maribou and the belt for $100 and that did NOT include any of the foo-foo stuff that makes it "over-the-top" cute! Mine is $75 and includes free shipping if you buy it from my website by emailing me at . This can be made in ANY size!

I can make ANY design, color, theme, etc! Just EMAIL me to tell me what you like! :) I can't wait! I have LOTS of built up creativity and this is my most favorite outlet for letting it out!